Learn Why Purchasing Essiac in Extract Form is a Mistake

Have you been considering buying an essiac tea extract? I understand. Many people assume that essiac extracts are just as good as brewing the tea yourself from powdered herbs. However, the reality is that the cons far exceed the pros when it comes to Essiac extracts. That is why we have never agreed to carry them in our shop. Only the best for our customers!


Pros of Using Essiac Extracts

  • It's easier to use them for travel 
  • They don't take up stace in the fridge
  • You don't have to brew the tea


Cons of Using Essiac Extracts

  • They are not as fresh as brewed tea
  • The powdered herbs have been strained out, meaning that you are missing out on health benefits
  • There is no research to back their use (read the research on Essiac tea in The Essiac Report)
  • Extracts contain alcohol
  • They are more expensive to use per serving
  • Many of them contain only 4 herbs, not the full 8 herbs that real Essiac contains



The Good News Is Once You Form a Habit of Making and Drinking Essiac Tea It Becomes Easy

The first thing to keep in mind is that you only have to brew the tea once every two weeks, and it only takes 10 minutes to do! It's as easy as making pasta. Even though it's so quick and easy, we understand that it can still feel a bit intimidating to try something new. Don't worry - we have easy instructions to help you out.

If you are traveling it might be harder to brew the tea – we get it! Luckily for you, we have a method you can use for travel. Here is how you can brew one cup at a time for times when you don’t have access to a refrigerator.

Going to work, or going shopping? No problem. You have the option of bringing a thermos with you with some ice cubes to keep your mid-day serving of tea cold. Take advantage while you are out and about and your stomach is empty to get that afternoon serving in.


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The bottom line is that if an extract is absolutely the only way you can get Essiac, it's better than nothing. But when it comes to your health, you should accept only the best!


Order Your Own Supply of Essiac Today.

Be careful when comparing price with companies who sell only a couple of weeks' worth at a time - we sell enough to last months at a time which saves you a ton of money.

It costs less than $1 per day to use our Essiac - the best price you'll find anywhere!


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Buy Essiac Tea

See Our Essiac Selection.


All orders come complete with the easy-to-follow instructions and suggested use.

This tea is simple to make and takes just ten minutes to make a two-week supply.


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